8 million pixels.
One-in-a-million picture.
Every color crystal clear.

NanoCell Cinema.
Performance worthy of the big screen.

Home to all your favourites.
**Apple, the Apple logo, and Apple TV are trademarks of Apple Inc,
Registered in the U.S. and other countries.
***Disney+ subscription required. Subject to terms at http://www.disnetplus.com ⓒ 2020 Disney and its related entities.
****Amazon, Prime Video and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon Prime membership and/or Prime Video fees apply. See primevideo.com/terms for details.
*****Supported service may differ by country.

The director’s vision brought to life.

Get the full range of enjoyment.
NanoCell Gaming.
TV with a ton of XP.

Unseen levels of control.

An unbeatable combo.
NanoCell Sport.
Match winning performance.

Never miss your team play.

A clear home advantage.
Enhance everything you see and hear.

See it all in 4K.

A bright idea for better TV.

Sound that every genre deserves.
Think you know smart?
Think again.

Welcome to your new home.

More like a magic wand.
**Magic remote availability differs by country

Your central hub of convenience.
**Google Assistant is not available in certain languages and countries.
***Supported menus and apps may vary by country.
****Menus displayed may be different upon release.
*****Voice Command availability may vary by products and countries.